About me

Hello there, I'm the webmaster that runs this place. On the internet I go under many usernames but you can call me Venu. I'm just a 20 year old artist that has too many hobbies and unfortunately not enough time. Some of my hobbies include drawing, 3d modelling, animation and making silly little guys from clay.

Extremely passionate about biology, bugs, horror and fictional monsters. I am nonbinary and bisexual. You cannot misgender me in any way that matters.

Why did you make a website?

Truth be told I actually made this website originally only for my art in mind. Wanted a way to showcase things I make that didn't rely on social media. But as time passed this website turned into a personal passion project. Funnily enough I was feeling pretty burnt out when it came to art. Ended up learning website building for fun instead as my new found interest.

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